Maybe you have received letters of interest from colleges in your state or neighboring states. Although flattering, what you may not understand is that most major colleges send out in excess of 1500 letters to students playing football at the high school level. These mailing lists are computer generated and have nothing to do with the sincere interest a college may have in you as a prospect. If you are not being contacted directly by a member of the coaching staff, the reality is you are most likely not on their recruitment list.
I offer personal assistance to high school student athletes who have the desire to continue to play football at the college level, but are not able to generate the interest of college coaching staffs.
I do not offer a traditional recruiting service.
I do not put your game highlights on my website along with thousands of other hopeful prospects, which make it extremely difficult for college coaches to filter through. I do not compile lists to sell to colleges.
I believe I have created the most effective way to help you find your place in this world of college football.

What I Do
I offer a comprehensive evaluation of your ability and my recommendation as to what level of college football you will have the greatest success in. If you choose to continue with me as your consultant and mentor, I will take you through the entire recruiting process. This may last a few weeks or a year. I put forth every effort to help you find a program that will help you with your academic and athletic goals.
Our Success Record
No one can guarantee you a college scholarship. However, I have placed over 400 student athletes at 100 different colleges, universities and military academies. I sincerely believe that I can increase your odds of continuing to play at college level and receive an education that will impact your future beyond the football field.